成份:100% 台湾进口南杏仁粉 (无添加糖,无防腐剂)
- 南杏仁又名甜杏仁、南杏,专供食用,含丰富蛋白质、植物脂肪,有润燥补肺止咳的作用,
- 具有润肺止咳定喘功效养颜美容及美白肌肤
- 富含丰富优质蛋白质,不饱和脂肪酸,胡萝卜素, B族维生素,维生素C, P以及矿物质有助养颜美容及美白肌肤
- 含有助抗癌物质维生素B17被称为抗癌之果
- 含丰富脂肪油,维生素E,单不饱和脂肪和膳食纤维有有助降低胆固醇,防止心血管疾病
- 丰富脂肪油可促进肠胃蠕动
- 帮助舒眠
- 肺功能欠佳者或染上新冠病毒后的推荐养肺饮料。
- 采用低温研磨保留大量营养口感香滑
- 通过202 项农药残留检测
- 通过5项重金属检测
- 通过3项防腐剂检测

Ingredient: 100% Almond (Sweet Apricot Kernel) Powder imported from Taiwan , WITHOUT sugar and preservatives
- Rich in protein, Polyunsaturated fatty acid, Beta Carotene, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin CP and minerals
- Consist cancer-preventing B17
- Reduce cholesterol level and the risk of cardiovascular diseases
- Strengthen the lungs and moisturises the skin, keeping your skin smooth, soft and acne-free
- Highly recommended for smokers and insomnia patients.
- Passed 202 Pesticide Residues Tests
- Passed 5 Metals Tests
- Passed 3 Preservatives Tests
Net Weight for each pack: 400g